Habitat For Horses

Rose, August 11, 2003 She came to us the last week in April of 2003 - old, thin, missing one eye, scared - from an owner that could no longer afford her. She only stayed at the ranch a few weeks as we worked on her...

Ziggy, March 25, 2003 Home - a place of friends, of love, a place where one is accepted with open arms, where food is always available, where others care not for what you can do, but for what you are. That’s where Ziggy is now -...


Ziggy, December 20, 2002 Update: March 25, 2003 - Ziggy finds a home Sixty-five days after the seizure. Ziggy's muscle tone is continuing to improve, as is his attitude. Here he's showing a high degree of curiosity about men in cowboy boots carrying cameras. He's filthy, but...


Update: November 29 Update: December 20 Update: March 25, 2003 - Ziggy finds a home This is a picture of Ziggy after a month of feeding, grooming, worming and tender, loving care. He's gained 90 pounds. His scars are disappearing, his personality is blooming and Ziggy is well...


[column size="2-3" style="0" last="0"] Ziggy, October 15, 2002 Update: November 15 Update: November 29 Update: December 20 Update: March 25, 2003 - Ziggy finds a home [spacer size="20"] See Me Car after car drove down the street, passing by the skinny horse that stared at them over the barbed wire fence. Hundreds...

[column size="2-3" style="0" last="0"]Missy April 27, 2003 Update: 08.05.2003 Missy passed through the gates of Habitat for Horses on April 27, 2003, after being donated to us by a local family. Missy has a long road ahead of her after being left in a pasture with a large...


"You can either pick them up or I'll send them to the auction." [column size="2-5" style="0" last="0"] [spacer size="10"] [heading bg="#940909" color="#ffffff"]Horse Stories[/heading][display_news_s3 include_excerpt="false" excerpt_l="15" include_date="false" posts_per_page="20" offset="0" orderby="date" order="ASC" post_type="post" category="stories"][/column][column size="3-5" style="0" last="1"] We get these calls occasionally, horses that are abandoned in some far away pasture,...


Marco Into The Dark View photos of Marco as he recovers and grows healthier. [column size="2-5" style="0" last="0"] [spacer size="10"] [heading bg="#940909" color="#ffffff"]Horse Stories[/heading][display_news_s3 include_excerpt="false" excerpt_l="15" include_date="false" posts_per_page="20" offset="0" orderby="date" order="ASC" post_type="post" category="stories"][/column][column size="3-5" style="0" last="1"]He slipped through the cracks. Of all the things that could happen to a perfect...

Ziggy, November 29, 2002 Update: December 20 Update: March 25, 2003 - Ziggy finds a home This picture was taken six weeks after he was removed from his owner. Now comes the rebuilding of the muscles through exercise in the round pen. Who made the difference? Who fought for...