
"When a horse gets older, you can expect physical changes. Typically, they lose muscle tone, and they certainly move a lot slower."Those words of wisdom are from a course I recently took on aging horses. Nothing surprising there, but the next day, in an entirely...

cherokee horse

From: Indian Country Today By: Brian Daffron [caption id="attachment_25477" align="alignleft" width="300"] Sadie and Hawkeye[/caption]The federal policy of Indian Removal forced thousands of Native people of the Southeastern United States westward, with many only taking what little they could carry. For some families, this meant transporting livestock...


Jerry wanted to make sure this story was shared. He is out of town doing what he does best, working on a rescue. Although HfH is a horse rescue, rehabilitation and education place, we also love dogs here - anyone coming to the ranch will...

Jerry Finch / Habitat for Horses It happened long before our time, before time even began, in a place of mist and trees, in a place of open land and brilliant moonlight, in a time and space far beyond our creation or knowledge.  Aware, alert, in...

Pete was the first horse that walked through our gates. Eight months old, he had been abandoned in a pasture, gathered up by a new owner and take to an auction, there to be purchased by a killer-buyer. I talked the man out of taking...

While the short attention span of the media has turned its face away from Newtown, Connecticut, the effects of the senseless shootings still reverberate across our nation. The images of the children are burned deeply into each of us. It was a tragedy that none...